YouTalk – Now we're talking
Tilda Publishing
Take part in the beta testing in social audio platform for real conversations

What is YouTalk?

A place where you can speak out and be heard
  • No strangers
    Today there is no solution that allows you to speak to those who do not want publicity but at the same time need a circle of like-minded people.
  • Just in time
    YouTalk is a platform where it is easy for everyone to find suitable interlocutors and talk in a narrow circle on exciting topics.
  • Everyone is important
    Here you can discuss important issues or laugh, find support or give advice, talk about your successes or share your failures, become part of a friendly community or create your own.
  • No strangers
    Today there is no solution that allows you to speak to those who do not want publicity but at the same time need a circle of like-minded people.
  • Just in time
    YouTalk is a platform where it is easy for everyone to find suitable interlocutors and talk in a narrow circle on exciting topics.
  • Everyone is important
    Here you can discuss important issues or laugh, find support or give advice, talk about your successes or share your failures, become part of a friendly community or create your own.

Find your circle

Do you want to communicate only with your like-minded people?
The unique format of YouTalk is circles made up of interlocutors who share your values, views, and interests.

The circle is a safe space where everyone can share their thoughts without fear of judgment.

Find your circle

Do you want to communicate only with your like-minded people?
The unique format of YouTalk is circles made up of interlocutors who share your values, views, and interests.

The circle is a safe space where everyone can share their thoughts without fear of judgment.

Start a conversation right now

Talk to users from your circle at any time. In YouTalk you will always be heard.

Take part in the beta testing

Leave your e-mail and we will send you a link to download the iOS app
By clicking on the button you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the privacy policy

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